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Biografía: Painter & Writer Born in 1987 in Cracow. Intermedia artist, writer, journalist, editor, webmaster. Since 2009, MA in journalism at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. A creator by vocation. She is passionate about painting, contemporary literature and documentary photography. In 2011, she won second prize in a photo competition organized by the distributor of documentaries, feature artistic cinema and one of the most important documentary film festival in Europe - PLANETE DOC FILM FESTIVAL - Against Gravity. She paints figurative oil and acrylic paitings in compilation of styles: realism, pop art and surrealism. Her artworks are in private collections in Poland and abroad. You can purchase her artworks in Polishjungart Gallery in Vienna (Austria). The theme of the paintings are people in vintage style, who are usually presented as a dynamic black and white silhouettes presented on the color background, in combination with motifs of modern times in situations reflecting the personal experiences of the author. Elements build space are taken from old photos, as well as her own photographs. In her compositions she likes to leave a bit of understatement. She constantly evolving her technic, challenging herself and looking for new inspirations.
Inglés hablante: Si
Fecha de Participación: 26 May 2017