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Biografía: www.bilaldadou.com

I studied a Degree on Art and Printmaking at the Fine Art faculty of Granada, UGR(Spain) between 2011 and 2015, followed by a year´s collaboration at the Drawing and Printmaking Department in the bosom of the same University.

After Working in Lisbon as an printmaker at the Fine Art Academy´s atelier, i moved to Madrid prompted to continue my labors of research and elaboration of new prints series and different works.

Inspired by the mythological legacy and specifically on the North African one, i depict its contrasting motifs and scripts in Lithograph, engraving, silkscreen and drawings. The complex elements concerned to its suggestive background are often glimpsed through intricately detailed symbols.

Attracted to the relationships between ancient and contemporary interpretation of the myth, my work is focused on finding the hybrid symbols witch approach the observer to an traceable icon, a contemporary symbol as an archetype.

Inglés hablante: Si
Sitio web: http://www.bilaldadou.com
Fecha de Participación: 23 Feb 2018