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Obras del artista
My perspective of Art II
Categoría: Cuadros
Estado: En venta
My perspective of Art
Categoría: Cuadros
Estado: En venta
Biografía: I express emotions and feelings on my works.

As I grew up in a little village in Romania I really feel comfortable with representing the nature which has been accompanying me.

Although I started being fascinated with realism and painting African girls portraits now i have found on expressionism a truly way to share my emotions, my feelings, and my perspective of life, love and nature without being locked up on the limits of reality.

Always learning, for me art is experimenting with whatever you have nearby, shaping yourself on a canvas.

Just want you to take a look on what I have create and share your emotions with me.

Inglés hablante: Si
Sitio web: https://carmend.es?utm_source=Artenet
Fecha de Participación: 05 Nov 2020