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Biografía: We are a blended artist couple, both self taught. C. Carss is a renowned British artist who has done amazing paintings using airbrush and conventional paintbrushes. He is also a wonderful sculptor and has done stunning pieces of mini busts, and produces cool collections of mini sculptures. Chris is also skilled in crafting Hollywood quality costumes/suits e.g Predator, Nemesis, etc. Paintings, artworks, sculptures, busts, mini sculptures, costumes/suits for Cosplay for SALE, You may contact artist and check out our cool sites and pages at http://www.artdiscover.com/en/artists/chris-and-sheila-carss-id7140https://www.facebook.com/ccarss66/
Inglés hablante: Si
Sitio web: https://www.facebook.com/ccarss66/
Fecha de Participación: 11 Ago 2017