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Biografía: Dulce López is an immigrant womxn from a small low-income rural village in México. She carefully and intentionally develops political and social statements through art and media. Her practice aims to bring awareness towards important causes, mobilize communities, support social movements, make art accessible, unite people across borders, and visualize her community’s herstory and identity. Dulce has showcased her work and collaborated in projects in México, Perú, Cuba, and across the United States. She uses painting, screen printing, watercolor, graphic design, performance and communication strategies to address corruption, racism, sexism, immigration, international policy, culture, and trafficking. She aspires to continue mobilizing through multidisciplinary arts and to create resources and platforms for sustainable and accessible art careers for historically marginalized groups.
Inglés hablante: Si
Sitio web: http://dulcemarialopez.com
Fecha de Participación: 27 Mar 2021