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Biografía: ​ Eduardo Strauch was born on the 13th of August, 1947, in Montevideo, Uruguay, where he lives today.
He has been married since 1979, and has five children.

From a young age he dabbled in painting and sculpture, but he did not pursue them at that time,
in order to devote himself to the study and practice of architecture. For more than 40 years he
has been designing and supervising the construction of buildings, primarily family homes in
Montevideo, in the country, and in the summer coastal resort areas.

He has a passion for travel and for nature, which are the source of the inspiration for his artistic
creations. In 2008 he decided to take up painting again, joining Sergio Viera's “Taller Cruz del Sur.”
Fecha de Participación: 27 Oct 2016