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Biography: Sevillano (May 1951) residing in Madrid from very small, without renouncing its origin and roots. From a young age he has been fond of painting in different forms (watercolor, pastels, wax and oil) still scarce dedication to art until 2014. An engineer by training and a professional life that made you know different countries and cultures of Asia and Latin America fundamentally. Second home in Denia.

Since January 2014 devotes more time to painting, having exhibited in November this year.

In constant evolution, he has participated in workshops of the Madrid Fine Arts Circle such as "Pictorial Colorism", "Neo-expressionist Abstraction" and "Portrait Psychology", being immersed in working groups for the development of research activities and deepening trends pictorial. Higher Course in Landscape Painting at the Santa María de Albarracín Foundation 2016
Website: http://ignaciodurbansanch.wixsite.com/ignacio-durban
Participation Date: Apr 19 2015