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Artist Works
$ _57 (4) .jpg
Category: Drawings
Condition: On sale
Biography: Carolin Fernández

The exciting and vibrant photorealistic works of Carolin Fernández impress us with their technical mastery of photorealism, but, beyond technique, they achieve something even more important ... they show us wonderful and beautiful moments of humanity and leave us with a feeling of Hope and inspiration.

Carolin Fernández, a young and talented artist, born in Santiago, Dominican Republic at 1995, works tirelessly in each work for several months, with impressive results, since her greatest passion is in hyperrealism. He never took art lessons during his teenage years. However, drawing, painting and various other artistic disciplines captivate her, and she has devoted countless hours to self-study her craft in order to constantly improve her technique. Therefore, it has been very popular in its artistic efforts, and its works try to exalt the world that surrounds it. Carolin has participated and won in numerous competitions and has won an impressive number of followers who eagerly look forward to seeing each new masterpiece.

Carolin does not remember a single moment in her life when art did not occupy most of her thoughts and her time. He maintains that he was born simply to be an artist. Being an artist is not something that she "discovered", it is simply what she is. She exists through her art and her art exists for her. Today she studies at Ani Art Academies Dominicana, where she has enriched and expanded her knowledge. Her main goal is to become a world-renowned artist and share her art with the hearts of every art lover.

With an eye toward the future, he plans to have his own studio, complete with workshops and classes, where he can share his philosophy on art with art lovers and other artists alike.

Some of his works of art have been exhibited at the Rehs Contemporary Gallery, New York.
English speaker: Si
Website: https://carolinartist.com/
Participation Date: 08 June 2017