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ramsay bolton
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2020 Orien Castillo García, All rights reserved.

Orien Castillo Garcia
Speaks English

"Ramsay Bolton"

ramsay bolton

Original work, Pencil on Paper

Price: 50 €

Summary of the original work

Pencil on Paper
Sizes: 21 cm wide x 29,7 cm cm high.
Year: 2020
It is a pencil portrait of Ramsay Snow, named after his legitimation as Ramsay Bolton, he is a fictional character from the saga A Song of Ice and Fire by writer George RR Martin. He is the bastard son, later legitimized, of Roose Bolton, Lord of Strong Terror. Ramsay is considered one of the antagonistic characters in the play, for being a sadistic character, fond of torture and psychopath.

In the HBO television adaptation, Game of Thrones, he is played by actor Iwan Rheon, where some situations and events that occur in the literary work are changed. In the work, Ramsay Snow is reflected as the perfect example of a psychopath: total absence of empathy, he does not feel remorse or shame for his actions, manipulative and sadistic, egocentric and sexually depraved, Ramsay does not stand out for being someone astute or intelligent, which added to his "hobbies" causes the distrust of his father, who doubts that he can be an effective leader in the future.

Both throughout the play and in events narrated before the events of the saga, Ramsay has revealed a violent and sadistic attitude. It is very possible that he murdered his half-brother Domeric to be the sole heir to Terror Fort. One of his biggest hobbies is hunting women in the woods of Terror Fort with a pack of dogs called "The Bastard's Girls"; After raping the woman, if she has given him a good hunt, he kills her and names one of the dogs after him, otherwise he skinns her alive and then kills her

Original work

Certificate of Authenticity

Shipping & policies

  • Item location: Spain
  • Ships to Spain only
  • Normally shipped 3-5 days since actual payment.

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    Published in Artenet since: September 07, 2021

    • Details of the original work

      Pencil on Paper
      Sizes: 21 29,7 cm x cm.
      Year Created: 2020

      Style / Topic

      Theme: Portraits


      It is a pencil portrait of Ramsay Snow, named after his legitimation as Ramsay Bolton, he is a fictional character from the saga A Song of Ice and Fire by writer George RR Martin. He is the bastard son, later legitimized, of Roose Bolton, Lord of Strong Terror. Ramsay is considered one of the antagonistic characters in the play, for being a sadistic character, fond of torture and psychopath.

      In the HBO television adaptation, Game of Thrones, he is played by actor Iwan Rheon, where some situations and events that occur in the literary work are changed.


      In the work, Ramsay Snow is reflected as the perfect example of a psychopath: total absence of empathy, he does not feel remorse or shame for his actions, manipulative and sadistic, egocentric and sexually depraved, Ramsay does not stand out for being someone astute or intelligent, which added to his "hobbies" causes the distrust of his father, who doubts that he can be an effective leader in the future.

      Both throughout the play and in events narrated before the events of the saga, Ramsay has revealed a violent and sadistic attitude. It is very possible that he murdered his half-brother Domeric to be the sole heir to Terror Fort. One of his biggest hobbies is hunting women in the woods of Terror Fort with a pack of dogs called "The Bastard's Girls"; After raping the woman, if she has given him a good hunt, he kills her and names one of the dogs after him, otherwise he skinns her alive and then kills her
    • Shipping:

      Item location: Spain
      Ships to Spain only
      Shipping Spain: 5 EUR

      Dispatch time:

      Normally shipped 3-5 days since actual payment.
    Contact the artist

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    Artist: Orien Castillo García
    ramsay bolton
     Buy "Ramsay Bolton"
    Price: 50 EUR

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    ramsay bolton
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    Original price: € 50 or Best Offer


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    Shipment details

    Item location: Spain
    Ships to Spain only
    Shipping Spain: 5 EUR

    Dispatch time:

    Normally shipped 3-5 days since actual payment.

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