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Arco das Truths

Arco das Truths
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Amilcar 2015 Rocha, All rights reserved.

Amilcar Rocha

"Arco das Verdades"

Arco das Truths

Original work, Ink on Paper, Unique piece

Price: 65 €

Summary of the original work

ink on paper
Sizes: 14 cm wide x 21 cm high.
Year: 2015
O "Arco das Truths" is linked to uma das quatro portholes existiam primitive na muralha dita "Sueva" ou também chamada of "Near Velha" that chamava Porta das Mentiras, and that from séc do. XIV, passou to Chamar-behaved of Nuestra Señora das Truths. Ficava nas das escadas truths, desconhece-is to do desaparecimento da Dita data carrier. Dava area High speed and da Ribeira do Barredo. Quanto ao Arco has quem or ligue há porta wrongly, já than or arc além being muito long mais do that portal, to serventia dele was aqueduto, já was by ele that corriam águas as da nascente Mija-Velhas ( August 24 current field), and that abasteciam Mitra e fontes já em Pena Ventosa missing onde o povo is supplied water.
In: http://digitarq.cpf.dgarq.gov.pt/details?id=49537

Original work

One of a kind Artwork

Shipping & policies

  • Item location: Portugal
  • Ships to Spain only
  • Normally shipped 3-5 days since actual payment.

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    Published in Artenet since: February 11, 2016

    • Details of the original work

      ink on paper
      Sizes: 14 cm x 21 cm.
      Year Created: 2015

      Style / Topic

      • Cities
      • Landscapes


      O "Arco das Truths" is linked to uma das quatro portholes existiam primitive na muralha dita "Sueva" ou também chamada of "Near Velha" that chamava Porta das Mentiras, and that from séc do. XIV, passou to Chamar-behaved of Nuestra Señora das Truths. Ficava nas das escadas truths, desconhece-is to do desaparecimento da Dita data carrier. Dava area High speed and da Ribeira do Barredo. Quanto ao Arco has quem or ligue há porta wrongly, já than or arc além being muito long mais do that portal, to serventia dele was aqueduto, já was by ele that corriam águas as da nascente Mija-Velhas ( August 24 current field), and that abasteciam Mitra e fontes já em Pena Ventosa missing onde o povo is supplied water.
      In: http://digitarq.cpf.dgarq.gov.pt/details?id=49537


    • Shipping:

      Item location: Portugal
      Ships to Spain only

      Dispatch time:

      Normally shipped 3-5 days since actual payment.
    Contact the artist

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    Artist: Amilcar Rocha
    Arco das Truths
     Buy "Arco das Verdades"
    Price: 65 EUR

    If you are interested or want more information about this work, get in touch with "Amilcar Rocha" (Artenet will receive a copy of the message).

    Arco das Truths
    Make an offer to Amilcar Rocha for Arco das Verdades
    Original price: € 65 or Best Offer


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    Shipment details

    Item location: Portugal
    Ships to Spain only

    Dispatch time:

    Normally shipped 3-5 days since actual payment.

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