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The kiss of Eros and Psyche

The kiss of Eros and Psyche
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2020 Nuria Barón Almansa, All rights reserved.

Nuria Baron Almansa
Speaks English

"El beso de Eros y Psique"

The kiss of Eros and Psyche

  • Charcoal
  • Sanguine
on Paper, Unique piece

Price: 300 €

Summary of the original work

  • Charcoal
  • Sanguine
on Paper
Sizes: 29.7 cm wide x 42 cm high.
Year: 2020
Charcoal portrait on Canson kraft paper inspired by the sculpture "Psyche revived by the kiss of love" by Antonio Canova. Portrait made from a photograph with stick charcoal, in pencil and sanguine on Canson kraft paper. Work inspired by a photograph of the work "Psyche reanimated by the kiss of love" by Antonio Canova from 1793 exhibited at the Louvre.

Psyche was the youngest of three sisters, daughters of the king of Anatolia in Asia, and she was also the most beautiful. Jealous of her beauty, the goddess Aphrodite sent her son Eros to shoot her an arrow that would make her fall in love with the most vile and horrible man there was. When Eros saw her, he fell in love with her immediately, he threw his arrow into the sea and waited for her to fall asleep to take her flying to his palace. There they lived for a time as lovers until Aphrodite found out and condemned Psyche to a series of painful labors, from which Eros finally freed her. The story has a happy ending because at last Aphrodite gave her consent for the relationship of the two young people and then they got married. More information: https://educacion.ufm.edu/antonio-canova-psique-reanimada-por-el-beso-del-amor-marmol-1793/#:~:text=M%C3%A1rmol%2C%201793 , -Juli% C3% A1n% 20Gonz% C3% A1lez% 20G% C3% B3mez & text = Psyche% 20era% 20la% 20menor% 20de, in addition% C3% A1s% 20era% 20la% 20m% C3% A1s% 20hermosa. & Text = Canova% 20represent% C3% B3% 20in% 20this% 20sculpture, having% 20worn% 20a% 20his% 20palace.

Original work

One of a kind Artwork

Certificate of Authenticity

Shipping & policies

  • Item location: Spain
  • Ships to Spain only
  • Normally shipped 5-10 days since actual payment.

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    Published in Artenet since: October 27, 2020

    • Details of the original work

      • Charcoal
      • Sanguine
      on Paper
      Sizes: 29.7 cm x 42 cm.
      Year Created: 2020

      Style / Topic

      • Classical Mythology
      • Portraits


      Charcoal portrait on Canson kraft paper inspired by the sculpture "Psyche reanimated by the kiss of love" by Antonio Canova.


      Portrait made from a photograph with stick charcoal, in pencil and sanguine on Canson kraft paper. Work inspired by a photograph of the work "Psyche reanimated by the kiss of love" by Antonio Canova from 1793 exhibited at the Louvre.

      Psyche was the youngest of three sisters, daughters of the king of Anatolia in Asia, and she was also the most beautiful. Jealous of her beauty, the goddess Aphrodite sent her son Eros to shoot her an arrow that would make her fall in love with the most vile and horrible man there was. When Eros saw her, he fell in love with her immediately, he threw his arrow into the sea and waited for her to fall asleep to take her flying to his palace. There they lived for a time as lovers until Aphrodite found out and condemned Psyche to a series of painful labors, from which Eros finally freed her. The story has a happy ending because at last Aphrodite gave her consent for the relationship of the two young people and then they got married. More information: https://educacion.ufm.edu/antonio-canova-psique-reanimada-por-el-beso-del-amor-marmol-1793/#:~:text=M%C3%A1rmol%2C%201793 , -Juli% C3% A1n% 20Gonz% C3% A1lez% 20G% C3% B3mez & text = Psyche% 20era% 20la% 20menor% 20de, in addition% C3% A1s% 20era% 20la% 20m% C3% A1s% 20hermosa. & Text = Canova% 20represent% C3% B3% 20in% 20this% 20sculpture, having% 20worn% 20a% 20his% 20palace.
    • Shipping:

      Item location: Spain
      Ships to Spain only
      Shipping Spain: 10 EUR

      Dispatch time:

      Normally shipped 5-10 days since actual payment.
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    Artist: Nuria Barón Almansa
    The kiss of Eros and Psyche
     Buy "El beso de Eros y Psique"
    Price: 300 EUR

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    The kiss of Eros and Psyche
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    Original price: € 300 or Best Offer


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    Item location: Spain
    Ships to Spain only
    Shipping Spain: 10 EUR

    Dispatch time:

    Normally shipped 5-10 days since actual payment.

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