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Artist Works
Category: Engravings
Condition: On sale
Pot of crickets
Category: Engravings
Condition: On sale
Throbbing under the skin
Category: Engravings
Condition: On sale
Field of Poppies
Category: Engravings
Condition: On sale
In a bottomless sea
Category: Engravings
Condition: On sale
Biography: I am a recorder by vocation, I discovered it when I was 11 years old, I fell in love and I continue, the possibilities of investigating in the form, textures and colors make that the question always exists in me and now what more !!! It also inspires me to express thoughts and emotions, it is not easy to achieve it but the uncertainty of it provokes me and I feel the necessary challenge to want to create.
I have studied the orthodox techniques of metal and wood engraving but what I really like is the collagraph. I use disposable plates, I agreed welded wire and carborundum, it all depends on what I want to achieve. I work with all colors and transparent with which the range is infinite.
In the course of my life I have investigated other languages ​​such as oil painting, ceramics, wood carving, etc. but I always came back to engraving, so I didn't question myself anymore and I walk paths with him.
English speaker: Si
Website: http://doragrab.com
Participation Date: October 18 2020