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Memòria minvant nº 3

Memòria minvant nº 3
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2018 Bayón-Cerezo., All rights reserved.

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"Memòria minvant nº 3"

Memòria minvant nº 3

Original work, Unique piece

Artwork on display

Summary of the original work

Year: 2018
Memòria minvant is a dialogue about the disappearance of a very precious asset such as memories.

It is a look at your own past that seems to be that of another person outside of you.

These places, before pilgrimage, are now empty and silent places devoid of life and color.

You make an effort to remember that person, you are almost sure of what he was like but you feel him move away, as he submerges in the mist, you see him go from something real to something uncertain, you feel how he escapes from your memory in an irremediable way ... memory neither expects nor respects anything or anyone. This series of photos are shot on a Hasselblad 500C with fujifilm Acros 100 film.

Developed with Kodak HC-110 and tested with Tetenal Eukobrom in Durts enlarger.

Silver halide emulsion on cotton paper

Series of ten copies of this same work.

The photograph is presented on Ilfort MG ART 300 cotton paper in measures of 24cm by 24cm, signed and sealed by the artist.

The whole process is done by the artist.

Original work

One of a kind Artwork

Certificate of Authenticity

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Published in Artenet since: September 10, 2019
Last updated: November 05, 2019

  • Details of the original work

    Year Created: 2018

    Style / Topic

    Theme: Surrealism


    Memòria minvant is a dialogue about the disappearance of a very precious asset such as memories.

    It is a look at your own past that seems to be that of another person outside of you.

    These places, before pilgrimage, are now empty and silent places devoid of life and color.

    You make an effort to remember that person, you are almost sure of what he was like but you feel him move away, as he submerges in the mist, you see him go from something real to something uncertain, you feel how he escapes from your memory in an irremediable way ... memory neither expects nor respects anything or anyone.


    This series of photographs are shot with a Hasselblad 500C with fujifilm Reel 100 reel.

    Developed with Kodak HC-110 and tested with Tetenal Eukobrom in Durts enlarger.

    Silver halide emulsion on cotton paper

    Series of ten copies of this same work.

    The photograph is presented on Ilfort MG ART 300 cotton paper in measures of 24cm by 24cm, signed and sealed by the artist.

    The whole process is done by the artist.
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Artist: Bayón-Cerezo.
Memòria minvant nº 3
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