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Fco Javier Cejalvo Álvarez, was born in Cardenete, (Cuenca).

Self-taught artist, already in his youth he drew sketches of sculptures as a simple form of more expression, however, at this time a value beyond mere hobby, but later, he took advantage of the point of life through their reproduction as sculptures Using that yes, a material of great significance for him, wood. This is, well what I know, the manifestation in the matter of those ideas that arose, there was the opportunity to feel them and to be a way with their own hands to reproduce them, the analogy that is also translated in their works through the own trunks and The general text of his work, "Living Nature".
However, in some cases, the functions of the work, such as adapting the sculptures and the interior of the tables, lamps and shelves, always prioritize the work and effort made, the moments of inspiration. art, in which prima, said sea, a deep respect for nature.

English speaker: Si
Participation Date: November 21 2018