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Artist Works
Sunset in Venice
Condition: On sale
Biography: My name is Juan Bella, I am a resident of Altea, I studied photography and audiovisual realization between Altea and Alicante, I consider myself passionate about the audiovisual world.

Throughout my life I have known that I wanted to dedicate myself to the audiovisual world, started with photography and video in a self-taught way, to later decide to study my higher studies specializing in photography and its subsequent retouching and editing with digital media and the realization of audiovisual shows, focusing on the pre-production, recording, editing and post-production of audiovisual pieces.

As a specialist in photography, video and audiovisual postproduction, together with my work experience in projects for different clients and audiovisual producers have allowed me to establish solid knowledge in the audiovisual postproduction phase and photo retouching, helping directors and clients to make their visions come true creative with a quality technical work. Something essential to achieve a final product of excellence, that's why I developed a detailed character when working them.
English speaker: Si
Website: http://www.photoarq.com
Participation Date: March 21 2019