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africa mother
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2021 Alejandro Arin, All rights reserved.

Alejandro Arín
Speaks English

"África Madre"

africa mother

Original work, Oil on Canvas, Unique piece

Price: 1,500 €

Summary of the original work

Oil on canvas
Sizes: 60 cm wide x 90 cm high.
Year: 2021
Ready to hang
africa mother

Original Artwork by Uruguayan Visual Artist Ákite.
Oil & Acrylic Painting

The work ÁFRICA MADRE presents a scene of a Mother and Child of Afro-descendant origin, a daily scene, of a meeting between Mother and Child, where the roles are blurred and simply the meeting, the game, the laughter, the tenderness, remains. the beauty.

Ákite is a Uruguayan Visual Artist with a natural geometric trait, a characteristic neo-cubist style, inspired by the expressiveness of native art from various original cultures. This is where his pseudonym Ákite comes from, a gift from the Apuriná natives of the Amazon Jungle of Brazil, with whom he lived prior to beginning his professional artistic activity.

The themes of his works express the human and the natural, through portraits, everyday scenes and natural environments. His works transmit through abstract geometric lines an essential naturalness and emotionality.

Ákite's Works can be found in the format of Paintings, Sheets and Murals in Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Spain and the United States.

Original work

One of a kind Artwork

Certificate of Authenticity

Shipping & policies

  • Item location: Uruguay
  • Worldwide shipping
  • Normally shipped 5-10 days since actual payment.

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    Published in Artenet since: April 24, 2023

    • Details of the original work

      Oil Painting on Canvas
      Sizes: 60 cm x 90 cm.
      Year Created: 2021
      Ready to hang

      Style / Topic

      Style: Cubism
      Theme: Portraits


      africa mother

      Original Artwork by Uruguayan Visual Artist Ákite.
      Oil & Acrylic Painting


      africa mother

      Original Artwork by Uruguayan Visual Artist Ákite.
      Oil & Acrylic Painting

      The work ÁFRICA MADRE presents a scene of a Mother and Child of Afro-descendant origin, a daily scene, of a meeting between Mother and Child, where the roles are blurred and simply the meeting, the game, the laughter, the tenderness, remains. the beauty.

      Ákite is a Uruguayan Visual Artist with a natural geometric trait, a characteristic neo-cubist style, inspired by the expressiveness of native art from various original cultures. This is where his pseudonym Ákite comes from, a gift from the Apuriná natives of the Amazon Jungle of Brazil, with whom he lived prior to beginning his professional artistic activity.

      The themes of his works express the human and the natural, through portraits, everyday scenes and natural environments. His works transmit through abstract geometric lines an essential naturalness and emotionality.

      Ákite's Works can be found in the format of Paintings, Sheets and Murals in Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Spain and the United States.
    • Shipping:

      Item location: Uruguay
      Postage to: Worldwide
      Shipping costs World:Contact artist

      Dispatch time:

      Normally shipped 5-10 days since actual payment.
    Contact the artist

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    Artist: Alejandro Arin
    africa mother
     Buy "África Madre"
    Price: 1,500 EUR

    If you are interested or want more information about this work, please contact "Alejandro Arin" (Artenet will receive a copy of the message).

    africa mother
    Make an offer to Alejandro Arin for África Madre
    Original price: € 1,500 or Best Offer


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    Shipment details

    Item location: Uruguay
    Postage to: Worldwide

    Dispatch time:

    Normally shipped 5-10 days since actual payment.

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