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The Joy of Life
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2020 Maksymilian Mroczek Wnek, All rights reserved.

Maksymilian Mroczek Wnek
Speaks English

"The Joy of Life"

The Joy of Life

Original work, Acrylic on Board, Unique piece

Price: 250 €

Summary of the original work

Acrylic on Board
Sizes: 40 cm wide x 69 cm high.
Year: 2020
The connotative value that The Joy of Life wants to show us various things between them is found
The interconnection of the world and how everything coexists with each other:
So that the sun and the water give energy and sustenance to the plants in turn these serve to feed the bees that flutter and pollinate other plants.
In this way it shows the beauty of this world by using those colors so vivid and saturated.

The second thing it communicates to us is the encounter with the true self, the ego, represented by the eye, and as opening that part we fill our lives with color and joy.
But this inner discovery is accomplished with great patience as the hands long rooted and inhabited by bees show for a long time so that there is no reward without sacrifice.

The work shows us a vanishing point composition the center of the eye to which the hands and the light beam are directed
white that is divided into 2 rainbows through the prism of the eye.
This light beam is divided into 3 parts by hands creating a cross composition. Inside this cross there is a circular composition formed by the sun, the plants and the elements on the right, showing a visible balance in the work.
Balance that is also manifested in the colors and their arrangement where both cold and warm colors coexist creating great contrast and sharpness.
The outside of the eye is made up of a blue and purple liquid that turns into a maroon color when it reaches the eyelid. The interior of the eye made up of a dodecahedron where the iris is placed in the central triangle that focuses attention on the pupil that absorbs the viewer's gaze, all this to show the enjoyment of life.

Original work

One of a kind Artwork

Shipping & policies

  • Item location: Spain
  • Worldwide shipping
  • Normally shipped 2-3 days since actual payment.

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    Published in Artenet since: May 05, 2020

    • Details of the original work

      Acrylic Painting on Board
      Sizes: 40 cm x 69 cm.
      Year Created: 2020

      Style / Topic

      Style: Surrealism
      • Mortality
      • Surrealism


      It is a picture painted by the artist Maksymilian Wnek Mroczek better known as SenioroPotato

      Their characteristics are:
      Support: Sanded wooden board with dimensions 69,5 cm high, 40 cm wide and 0,5 cm thick.
      Materials used: Acrylic paint and watercolor.
      It also features painted edges and a protective lacquer coating.


      The connotative value that The Joy of Life wants to show us various things between them is found
      The interconnection of the world and how everything coexists with each other:
      So that the sun and the water give energy and sustenance to the plants in turn these serve to feed the bees that flutter and pollinate other plants.
      In this way it shows the beauty of this world by using those colors so vivid and saturated.

      The second thing it communicates to us is the encounter with the true self, the ego, represented by the eye, and as opening that part we fill our lives with color and joy.
      But this inner discovery is accomplished with great patience as the hands long rooted and inhabited by bees show for a long time so that there is no reward without sacrifice.

      The work shows us a vanishing point composition the center of the eye to which the hands and the light beam are directed
      white that is divided into 2 rainbows through the prism of the eye.
      This light beam is divided into 3 parts by hands creating a cross composition. Inside this cross there is a circular composition formed by the sun, the plants and the elements on the right, showing a visible balance in the work.
      Balance that is also manifested in the colors and their arrangement where both cold and warm colors coexist creating great contrast and sharpness.
      The outside of the eye is made up of a blue and purple liquid that turns into a maroon color when it reaches the eyelid. The interior of the eye made up of a dodecahedron where the iris is placed in the central triangle that focuses attention on the pupil that absorbs the viewer's gaze, all this to show the enjoyment of life.
    • Shipping:

      Item location: Spain
      Postage to: Worldwide
      Shipping costs World:0 EUR

      Dispatch time:

      Normally shipped 2-3 days since actual payment.
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    Artist: Maksymilian Mroczek Wnek
    The Joy of Life
     Buy "The Joy of Life"
    Price: 250 EUR

    If you are interested or want more information about this work, get in touch with "Maksymilian Mroczek Wnek" (Artenet will receive a copy of the message).

    The Joy of Life
    Make an offer to Maksymilian Mroczek Wnek for The Joy of Life
    Original price: € 250 or Best Offer


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    Shipment details

    Item location: Spain
    Postage to: Worldwide
    Shipping Worldwide: 0 EUR

    Dispatch time:

    Normally shipped 2-3 days since actual payment.

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