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2019 Anastasia Khain, All rights reserved.

Anastasia khain
Speaks English



Original work, Oil on Canvas, Unique piece

Artwork on display

Summary of the original work

Oil on canvas
Sizes: 46 cm wide x 55 cm high.
Year: 2019
Ready to hang
Her name is Amaterasu. In Japanese mythology, she is known as the goddess of the sun and the universe. In one of her emanations from her, she is also the dragon goddess, which is implied by the red kimono hanging on the background. When Amaterasu becomes furious, legends tell that she descends to the earth in the form of a gold dragon…

Occupying the highest position among the deities of the Shinto religion, Amaterasu governs our spirits. She illuminates the sky with her beauty and makes the brush dance on the canvas, finally, leading you to the stage when the object and the subject of the painting become one whole; when the knower and the known are no more distinguished, as the scholar of Zen, DT Suzuki, was describing the process of painting.

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Published in Artenet since: September 24, 2020
Last updated: September 24, 2020

  • Details of the original work

    Oil Painting on Canvas
    Sizes: 46 cm x 55 cm.
    Year Created: 2019
    Ready to hang

    Style / Topic

    Style: Realism
    Theme: Nudes




    Her name is Amaterasu. In Japanese mythology, she is known as the goddess of the sun and the universe. In one of her emanations from her, she is also the dragon goddess, which is implied by the red kimono hanging on the background. When Amaterasu becomes furious, legends tell that she descends to the earth in the form of a gold dragon…

    Occupying the highest position among the deities of the Shinto religion, Amaterasu governs our spirits. She illuminates the sky with her beauty and makes the brush dance on the canvas, finally, leading you to the stage when the object and the subject of the painting become one whole; when the knower and the known are no more distinguished, as the scholar of Zen, DT Suzuki, was describing the process of painting.
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