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2024 WAYHOK Eduardo Caballero Gómez de la Mata, All rights reserved.

WAYHOK Eduardo Caballero Gomez de la Mata
Speaks English

"Pensamientos "


Original work, Acrylic on Canvas, Unique piece

Price: 350 €

Summary of the original work

Acrylic on Canvas
Sizes: 65 cm wide x 65 cm high.
Year: 2024
In the deep darkness of my mind,
Anger stirs like a raging storm,
devouring peace in its voracious current,
like a hungry lion in search of hateful prey.

The snake coiled in my thoughts,
Its poisonous jaws torment me,
I feel my heart burning in torment,
in the prison of anger that threatens my soul.

Oh, merciless wrath, ruin of my being,
In your fire I consume myself with frenzy,
but in the end, the emptiness makes me fear,
the loss of the light that I once knew.

My heart burns like an erupting volcano,
the fury grows without control or measure,
consuming my being in cruel confusion,
drowning reason in its spiral of excessive anger.

Oh, impious anger, insatiable enemy,
Your burning embrace suffocates my tears,
But in the end, peace becomes fragile,
leaving a void in my broken being.

In the shadow of my being I face you brave,
looking for the light that dissipates your shadow,
fighting against you, recurring enemy,
searching for the peace that amazes my soul.

May calm and harmony be my guide,
let the anger fade and go away,
May peace return in my life, in joy,
May my soul find its celestial journey in serenity.
Eduardo Caballero Gómez de la Mata (WAYHOK)

Original work

One of a kind Artwork

Certificate of Authenticity

Shipping & policies

  • Item location: Spain
  • Worldwide shipping
  • Normally shipped 3-5 days since actual payment.

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    Published in Artenet since: March 14, 2024
    Last updated: March 18, 2024

    • Details of the original work

      Acrylic Painting on Canvas
      Sizes: 65 cm x 65 cm.
      Year Created: 2024

      Style / Topic

      Style: Contemporary
      Theme: Spirituality


      IRA - Forming part of a series of works representing the capital sins, the edges of the canvas are painted so that it can be hung directly


      In the deep darkness of my mind,
      Anger stirs like a raging storm,
      devouring peace in its voracious current,
      like a hungry lion in search of hateful prey.

      The snake coiled in my thoughts,
      Its poisonous jaws torment me,
      I feel my heart burning in torment,
      in the prison of anger that threatens my soul.

      Oh, merciless wrath, ruin of my being,
      In your fire I consume myself with frenzy,
      but in the end, the emptiness makes me fear,
      the loss of the light that I once knew.

      My heart burns like an erupting volcano,
      the fury grows without control or measure,
      consuming my being in cruel confusion,
      drowning reason in its spiral of excessive anger.

      Oh, impious anger, insatiable enemy,
      Your burning embrace suffocates my tears,
      But in the end, peace becomes fragile,
      leaving a void in my broken being.

      In the shadow of my being I face you brave,
      looking for the light that dissipates your shadow,
      fighting against you, recurring enemy,
      searching for the peace that amazes my soul.

      May calm and harmony be my guide,
      let the anger fade and go away,
      May peace return in my life, in joy,
      May my soul find its celestial journey in serenity.
      Eduardo Caballero Gómez de la Mata (WAYHOK)
    • Shipping:

      Item location: Spain
      Ships to
      • Spain
      • Everyone

      Shipping Spain: 0 EUR
      Shipping costs World:Contact artist

      Dispatch time:

      Normally shipped 3-5 days since actual payment.
    Contact the artist

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    Artist: WAYHOK Eduardo Caballero Gómez de la Mata
     Buy "Pensamientos "
    Price: 350 EUR

    If you are interested or want more information about this work, please contact "WAYHOK Eduardo Caballero Gómez de la Mata" (Artenet will receive a copy of the message).

    Make an offer to WAYHOK Eduardo Caballero Gómez de la Mata for Pensamientos
    Original price: € 350 or Best Offer


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    Shipment details

    Item location: Spain
    Ships to
    • Spain
    • Everyone

    Shipping Spain: 0 EUR

    Dispatch time:

    Normally shipped 3-5 days since actual payment.

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