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trans-form-chromia 44

trans-form-chromia 44
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saverio cecere

"trans-form-cromia 44"

trans-form-chromia 44

Original work, Industrial on Others, Unique piece

Original sold

Summary of the original work

Industrial on Other
Dimensions 12o width x 120 height cm.
Year: 2022
Ridimenzionale structure plexiglass laser cut and glass

Original work

One of a kind Artwork

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Published in Artenet since: June 20, 2023

  • Details of the original work

    Industrial Painting on Others
    Dimensions 12o x 120 cm.
    Year Created: 2022

    Style / Topic

    Style: Abstract art
    Theme: Abstract


    Show in gallery and museum in: Venezuela, State Uniti, Brazil,
    Argentina, Spagna, France, Italy, Germania, Svizzera, Ungheria,
    Slovenia, Lussembourg, Holland, Poland, Russia, Svezia, Regno
    Unito, Giappone, Ecuador and Islanda tra gli altri: Carousel du
    Louvres, Parisi;
    Madi, Museo Nazionale Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain; Gallery
    Nazionale, Budapest, Ungueria; Polk Museum, Palmareto, Florida.
    USES; Museo d'Arte della Costa del Golfo, Florida, USA;
    Mondriaahuis Museum, Amersfoort, Paesi Bassi;
    Museum of Contemporary Art of Lima, Peru; Museum of Art
    Contemporary of Lima, Peru;
    Haus Ludwig Museum, Saarlouis, Germany;
    Leppa-Rattner Museum, Tarpon Springs, Florida, USA;
    Madi Museum, Dallas, USA.; Museo Municipale di Mosca, Russia;
    Civica Galleria d'arte moderna di Gallarate, Milan, Italy;
    IKKP Center - Kunsthaus Rehau, Germany;
    Museo dell'Arte delle Generationazioni del '900, Pieve di Cento,
    Bologna, Italy;
    Borges Cultural Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina;
    Mobil Madi Museum, Budapest, Ungheria;
    Museo di Belle Arti di Nequen, Argentina;
    Latin American Museum of Contemporary Art, La Plata,
    Mestskè Muzeum, Bratislava, Slovenia;
    Il Museo Civico di Bratislava;
    Pinacoteca Massimo Stanzione, S. Arpino, Caserta, Italy;
    Fontation Muveszeti Muhely, Kokapu, Ungheria;
    Casa della Cultura M. Navarro, Isola Margarita, Venezuela;
    Blayn Museum - Loire Atlantiche, France;
    Young Museum Revere, Mantova, Italy;
    Muzeum – Esterhazy Palota, Gyor, Ungheria;
    Madi, Villa Campolieto, Ercolano, Naples, Italy;
    Extramegno and Ibero - American, Badajos, Spain;
    Polk Museum, Palmaretto, Florida, USA, 2001;
    Civic Museum of Naples.
    He has curated, organized and co-organized shows in Italy, Venezuela,
    Germany, USA and Hungary, with others:
    Alter Geometry-Alter Ego, Galleria Blansini, Caracas, Venezuela,
    2011; Futurism and Costruttivismo – Postgeometrismo, Accademia
    d'Ungheria, Rome, Italy; 2009;
    Movement, light, space, time, size and color, Museum of
    Geometric and MADI Art, Dallas, USA, 2007;
    "Omaggio all'arte geometrica, Leppa-Rattner Museum, Tarpon
    Springs, Florida, USA, 2006;
    "Omaggio all'Arte Geometrica, Madi Museum, Dallas, USA, 2005;
    Madì Art – Freie Geometrie” Galerie Emilia Emilia Dirty, Ettlingen,
    Madi Italia Art, Galleria Nery Marigno, Parigi, France;
    "Omaggio all'arte Geometrica", Museo dell'Arte delle Generazioni
    del '900, Pieve di Cento, Bologna, Italy, 2004;
    « Sprit de Géometrié Universe », Salone Borbonico, San Nicola la
    Strada, Caserta, Italy, 2004;
    Madi International, Villa Bruno, San Giorgio a Cremano, Napoli,
    Italy; 2001;
    L'orizzonte del pluralismo, Chiostro monastero delle Clarisse,
    Terlizzi, Bari, Italy;
    Madi International, Museo Giovani, Ostiglia, Mantova, Italy, 1999;
    Madi International, Villa Campolieto, Ercolano, Napoli, Italy, 1997.
    In 1970 he was invited by the Istituto Nazionale di Cultura e Belle Arti
    (INCIBA) at the traveling exhibition "Seven Venezuelan
    Contemporaries" (Mateo Manaure, R. Martinez, Alirio Rodrigues,
    Marcel Floris, Francisco Hung, Gerd Leufert;


    Ridimenzionale structure plexiglass laser cut and glass
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Artist: Saverio Cecere
trans-form-chromia 44
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