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Artist Works
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Men and seeds,
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Thinking of Kafka
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Biography: My work raises reflections at moments in which Humanity lives an internal process of reflection and introspection, directing its gaze in a critical way, not only towards the reality that surrounds it, but also towards its own "Inner Route", rethinking realities and building new routes to lead their existence. The work proposes through color, modeling of forms, anatomy, expressiveness and power in the line, a space of intimate encounter with the symbolic imagery of my work, built in a production process of more than 30 years.
English speaker: No
Website: https://jarias43.wixsite.com/zamoraplasticarts
Participation Date: 22 June 2020