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Obras del artista
El Libro de la Selva
Categoría: Cuadros
Estado: En venta
Tierra Hueca
Categoría: Cuadros
Estado: En venta
Biografía: As you can see, my name is Izan. I'm 24 years old, I speak spanish, catalan, english and italian, I'm tour guide and painter and I love discovering new countries!

I would describe myself as someone who is honest, caring, funny, hardworking, and ambitious. I have a great sense of humour. I am an easy going person & don’t get easily disturbed by down’s in my life. I'm a spiritual person & have a good library of best spiritual books.

I also enjoy traveling, playing basketball, watching horror movies, going out for dinner, learning new languages, meeting new people, and having great intellectual conversations!
Inglés hablante: Si
Fecha de Participación: 15 Nov 2019