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Obras del artista
Categoría: Cuadros
Estado: En venta
Biografía: Juan de La Cruz is a young mexican artist. Who from his childhood is discovered as an eternal observer of their environment, curiosity that will later reflect on his canvases.

The sure, definitive, forceful and sometimes violent stroke is one of the resources that show his genius. From these lines emanate emotions that shake the viewer's conscience and invite reflection.
Anguished characters that wander through the imaginary spaces that the artist visits in his dreams, emotions that emerge through the contrasting colors of his palette.

Sarcasm, in each scene suggests the longed-for possibility of redemption, the return to the human and the link of being to oneself.
Without a formal similarity, he does not deny in his actions the plastic and philosophical influence of his great masters: Orozco, Baselitz, Bacon, Schiele, Munch, Lichtenstain and Kirchner.

If we want to locate De la Cruz in a specific artistic movement or movement, we would have to speak of an expressionist re-humanization, where human anatomy takes on importance and becomes the central axis of the Cruciana proposal.
Inglés hablante: Si
Sitio web: http://www.juandelacruz.co.uk
Fecha de Participación: 29 Jun 2018