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Biografía: Hello, I am a British Artist and teacher of Art living and working in Spain. I have been painting and exhibiting my work for many years and I have sold paintings all over the world to private individuals and collectors. My artistic styles have changed over time from creating abstract expressive paintings, tipping, pouring and throwing the paint to landscapes of the British countryside and more recently Spanish seascapes, mountains and fruit trees.

I like to paint scenes that capture a moment, often walks, pathways or special places are triggers for paintings. I paint from the heart and love the messy nature of oils. I am inspired by many artistic styles though the main ones that influence my work are the Impressionists and abstract expressionists.

All of the paintings can be supplied with frames on request, please contact me for more information.

Available for commissions.

Inglés hablante: Si
Sitio web: http://kirstywain.com
Fecha de Participación: 16 May 2017