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Obras del artista
Categoría: Cuadros
Estado: En venta
Biografía: I am Manuela, a fashion designer and artist from Serbia, based in Barcelona. I got my degree at Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade in 2012,since I began my proffesionally career. I was a designer at KOOI Knitwear for three years. During that period I was preparing my own houte couture and wedding dress brand named Manuela Manojlovic. 2015 I moved to Barcelona for CSP-for wedding dresses and houte couture and from that time I live there.
My own brand is focused on the interplay between silk, cotton, specially hand painted-embroidered lace and volumenos forms, producing peaces of elegant indefference. Created with history of art, costume and music my mind, my collections and art strikes a fire balance between conceptual and wearable. My clothes have often provided with a point of reference „ Returning to my clothes and art, was like living once more with my body and my emotions…my dresses are my own paintings“.
I endevors to reveal distinguished character of wedding dresses and houte couture through modernisation of history costume representing all the beauty as I see with contemporary eyes.
Currently I am working for Escorpion as a print, embroidery and knitwear(jaquard) designer.
I am ambition person with a hope and wish to share my work in the future. I am passionate in my approach to make artwork becouse is made combining the touch of my hands; with what I see with my eyes and through my feelings. I wish to bring my work to a wider audience. The resultant pieces are for us all to contemplate, share and enjoy. If you are interested in an original piece or would like to discuss my work or some other project, then do please get in touch. I’d be delighted to hear from you.
Inglés hablante: Si
Sitio web: http://manuela-manojlovic.com/
Fecha de Participación: 23 Sep 2018