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Biografía: Marco Cirulli, class of ‘95, is a graphic artist and illustrator. He was born in Turin and grew up in the province of Turin. He has always loved to draw and express himself with his drawings. In 2014 he graduates as a designer at the “Scuola Superiore” Albe Steiner, in via Monginevro, Turin. He develops the sketch on paper, mainly monochromatic, using only black permanent markers and sometimes pantones and a black pen. His style is highly personal and represents a graphic reinterpretation of surrealism in which the holistic principle of not reducible art prevails. Concepts and images of everyday life are represented through impactful and confusing illustrations giving the spectator much room for personal interpretation. The artist addresses a wide and collective public thanks to his wordplays and monochromatic images. He is able to create a relationship between his drawings and the public. It is possible to get new shades of meaning in front of his works, and the only limit of its interpretation is one’s imagination. In his works, the eye represents one of his main symbols. The eyes have always been present in the evolution of his art because of their will to emphasize the importance of the relationship between his work and the public. The eyes have always been considered as the window to the soul and the filter to observe the reality: for this reason he wants to emphasize the fact that everyone can look at the same work in a different way and give different interpretations of it. Because art stays in the eyes of who is watching …
Inglés hablante: Si
Fecha de Participación: 25 Sep 2018