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Obras del artista
Categoría: Cuadros
Estado: En venta
Biografía: Artist: Mau Pavon. The artwork for sell is the file in high resolution ready to print. If you are interested on received the original canvas, please do no hesitate in contact me.

A singular style, which starts from a classical and renaissance education based on antiquated teaching methods for the time in which he was developed as an artist being a child. The education received through drawing and paint-ing, through different artistic avant-garde, have developed in this artist a unique hallmark on his approaches, tech-niques and sensitive for the production of his artworks.

We find his energy and intuition in the reconstruction of scenarios and staging for the habitat of his characters or illustration objects, using the technique that the artist con-siders for each of his every representation.

Stripped of formalisms and preconceptions, he gets the cre-ations with his pure intention of mysticism and surrealism.
"My work is contemplative and experimental based on a philosophical explore on different energetic surfaces, those are revealed in shapes and characters sensed in an ex-tra-sensorial approach.

Basically it is born from a primary and insistent de-termination that remains in my head until it's finally

represented. It appears on a constant and uninterrupted mode when I start creating, I do not finish each piece until I see the closed circle between the canvas, the image, the process and me.

The wide and powerful chromatic range that I use, generates a great visual impact that combined with the shapes, lights and darks, makes relevant the volume and the space in their background."
Inglés hablante: Si
Fecha de Participación: 19 Ene 2018