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Biografía: Samantha Kaplan is a New York-based artist from Westchester, NY. She earned her degree in a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting and Drawing and a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Arts from the State University of New York at New Paltz. Her work has been exhibited in the Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art in New Paltz, NY, the Art About Water exhibition in Newburgh, NY, the Bruce Museum in Greenwich, CT, and at the Katonah Museum of Art in Katonah, NY.

"Through my abstract landscape paintings, I hope people can appreciate the small, beautiful details in life, whether it is a wave crashing down, or taking a moment to notice the beautiful morning mist that is in the air when you take a step outside. There is so much to appreciate in this world and there are so many ways we can give back and sustain our planet if we start paying attention and start taking action to protect what’s really important in this world."
Inglés hablante: Si
Sitio web: https://www.samanthakaplanart.com/
Fecha de Participación: 06 Ago 2018