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Biografía: Sergey Teplyakov was born in Moscow. He graduated from Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry, one of the oldest Russian schools of industrial, monumental and decorative art and design.
Since 1998 he is a member of Union of Russian Artists.

He was infused with love for art from early on. Sergey is the grandson of the Honored Artist of the USSR, and he often visited the workshop of his grandfather. Thus, at a very young age he started to develop a taste and a connoisseur eye for quality and different manners of painting.

He possesses and demonstrates with great skills his perfect knowledge of many styles and various artistic techniques. The Artist is at the forefront of classical Italian painting revival, following the traditions of Great Italian masters. He also works in Impressionism (Figurative Impressionism) and Art Deco styles. He does not give any preferences to landscapes, still lives, or portraits. For every artwork the painter chooses a technique required to make the image the most expressive.
His works create beautiful and elegant impression.

From 2016 his artworks are exposed in Austria, Italy, Spain and the UK.
Inglés hablante: Si
Sitio web: http://art-studio.moscow/
Fecha de Participación: 17 Jul 2018