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Biografía: Zulema Martinez work is free, spontaneous, surprising, and that stimulates us to discover the message that she wants to transmit to us.
Her painting produces immediate sensations of something different, that with her touch of color and composition invites us to continue watching and enjoying.
In her abstract compositions, Zulema uses strong and pure colors, to provoke dynamism, pure geometry in movement.
Her artistic style takes emotions and expresses them through the use of strong, bold colors and altered lines instead of figuration.
The looks of his portraits reflect strong emotions: anger, impotence, lack of love, nostalgia.
Zulema paints without fear of feeling, of seeing, and of expressing heart, leaning on color to make his work more complete.
Inglés hablante: Si
Sitio web: https://www.zulemaart.com
Fecha de Participación: 29 Mar 2018