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Obras del artista
bosque cuajimoloyas.jpg
Categoría: Cuadros
Estado: En venta
Biografía: I studied graphic design by Universidad Iberoamericana Plantel Santa Fe (Mexico City) but always have been involved in the area of ​ fine arts from an early age, starting painting in the Art Studio of Gilda Solis and drawing in the Taller de la Gráfica Popular.

Within my creative activity I have attended several workshops such as paper craft with the artist Barbara Paciorek Paletta, life drawing in Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana and have ventured into wood carving in the Training Center for Work (CECATI 25 ).

My main artistic training was in the Academia de San Carlos, a well known traditional Mexican art school, where I studied human figure drawing, oil painting, techniques and materials of painting, portrait, and the experimental use of vitreous enamel.

Currently residing in the City of Oaxaca, I have had the opportunity to attend some Oaxacan art centers such as Taller Rufino Tamayo, and Centro de las Artes de San Agustín (CASA), where I practiced experimental painting and drawing as well as print making.

I enjoy cultural management, so here is a list of my projects and exhibits:


Two collective exhibitions where I was also the project leader: “The Way to Get to Art” in the Casa de la Cultura del Periodista (Mexico City-2012) and the collective exhibition “Expresions” with headquarters in the Casa de la Cultura Oaxaqueña (2014).

I was selected artist at “Encuentro Contemporáneo de Artes Plásticas Sur-Sureste” (2013) in Villahermosa, Tabasco

“Call for Women Artists” and “Landscape and Still Life” (2014) at Yuri López Kullins Gallery, Mexico DF.

Egg tempera painting workshop at Talleres Comunitarios Zegache

Mask making workshop, in conjunction with a Butoh dance workshop for students from the University of Washington (2016).

Cultural workshops to promote the arts in the community of San Miguel Amatlán (Sierra Norte de Oaxaca) i.e., Beginning Painting (2016) on the occasion of the 400 Anniversary of the community and Scientific Drawing: bird watching, presented to the students of the Telesecundaria of Amatlán (2017)

Since 2014, I have been collaborating as part of the IDEA team, Impulsora para el Desarrollo Educativo y Artístico, a non profit association focused on training in arts and cultural development in the State of Oaxaca, where I have had the opportunity to travel throughout the different regions of the State of Oaxaca:

Project Artistic Education for COBAO (Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Oaxaca)– 2014

Artistic Education Project for Houses of Culture and Houses of the People – 2014 and 2015

Fine Arts Appreciation Workshop within the seminar in cultural and artistic management for Houses of Culture, Houses of the People, Cultural Centers and Communities of the State of Oaxaca 2016
Inglés hablante: Si
Sitio web: https://artbyrocioolguin.wordpress.com
Fecha de Participación: 31 May 2017