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Obras del artista
Wu mingxia
Categoría: Cuadros
Estado: En venta
Biografía: Born in Occhiobello (about 80 miles southwest of Venice, Italy) in June 1981,

Alessandro demonstrated significant skill as an artist from a very young age..

He is moved by a passion for painting and for color, which is demonstrated in the engaging strokes of his paintings..

These strokes manifest the emotions evoked by the detail of his surroundings. His work is marked by simple forms and pure colors..

Alessandro works in oil on canvas, and his favorite subjects include landscapes, portraits, and rural scenes..

Engaging with his work, an art lover will be struck by tenderness of a touch, the play of light on water, and the sense of motion of both subject and time..

This is accomplished with the translation of a stroke from what Alessandro observes with his expert eye. At the same time, you will feel a sense of warmth and cold through the deft application of color..

He says: “My paintings depict a variety of expressions and traits that reflect the wonders of the world around us..

They are imbued with a creative sensitivity reminiscent of a budding Spring flower..

I use primary colors to convey a pure natural state, and though the colors may be naive they imbibe the canvases with a bold rich warmth..”
Sitio web: http://www.dreamsart.it
Fecha de Participación: 07 Mar 2017