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The Glamour and the Sexual Abuse in Hollywood

The Glamour and the Sexual Abuse in Hollywood
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O Yemi Tubi
United Kingdom
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"The Glamour and the Sexual Abuse in Hollywood"

Obra original, Óleo sobre Lienzo, Pieza única

Precio: 3.500 €

Resumen de la obra original

Óleo sobre Lienzo
Medidas: 122 ancho x 91 alto cm.
Año: 2019
Listo para colgar
“I met them all. Some were vicious and crooked.But … you saw Hollywood with their eyes — an overcrowded brothel, amerry-go-round with beds for horses.” Marilyn Monroe

Many aspiring performing artists across the world moved to Hollywood with a dream to be superstars of the silver screens but few ever walked on Hollywood red carpet without the scares of the fame and fortune. This painting “The Glamour of Hollywood” was inspired when recent victims of Hollywood sexual predators like Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Charles Rose, and many alike, started to speak out about their ordeals.

One of the famous victims of sexual abuse in Hollywood was Marilyn Monroe. She even referred to Hollywood as “an overcrowded brothel”.

At the background of this painting; looking through the window,O. Yemi painted the sunset at the back of the Hollywood landmark to depict the sunset of the careers and lives of many of victims of sexual abuse in Hollywood. The picture of Marilyn Monroe was included in this painting as one of the notable victims of sexual abuse. In the foreground on the luxurious chaise lounge is O. Yemi’s unique style of rose and stems of thorns woven to a woman. The rose symbolizes the glamour and fame of Hollywood actress and the thorns are the painful ordeals of the victims of sexual abuse.

Obra Original

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  • Ubicación del artículo: United Kingdom
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    Publicado en ARTEnet desde: 27 Enero , 2020

    • Detalles de la obra original

      Pintura  Óleo sobre Lienzo
      Medidas: 122 x 91 cm.
      Año de creación : 2019
      Listo para colgar

      Estilo / Tema

      Estilo: Surrealismo
      Temática: Fantasía


      Many aspiring performing artists across the world moved to Hollywood with a dream to be superstars of the silver screens but few ever walked on Hollywood red carpet without the scares of the fame and fortune. This painting “The Glamour of Hollywood” was inspired when recent victims of Hollywood sexual predators like Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Charles Rose, and many alike, started to speak out about their ordeals.


      “I met them all. Some were vicious and crooked.But … you saw Hollywood with their eyes — an overcrowded brothel, amerry-go-round with beds for horses.” Marilyn Monroe

      Many aspiring performing artists across the world moved to Hollywood with a dream to be superstars of the silver screens but few ever walked on Hollywood red carpet without the scares of the fame and fortune. This painting “The Glamour of Hollywood” was inspired when recent victims of Hollywood sexual predators like Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Charles Rose, and many alike, started to speak out about their ordeals.

      One of the famous victims of sexual abuse in Hollywood was Marilyn Monroe. She even referred to Hollywood as “an overcrowded brothel”.

      At the background of this painting; looking through the window,O. Yemi painted the sunset at the back of the Hollywood landmark to depict the sunset of the careers and lives of many of victims of sexual abuse in Hollywood. The picture of Marilyn Monroe was included in this painting as one of the notable victims of sexual abuse. In the foreground on the luxurious chaise lounge is O. Yemi’s unique style of rose and stems of thorns woven to a woman. The rose symbolizes the glamour and fame of Hollywood actress and the thorns are the painful ordeals of the victims of sexual abuse.
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      Ubicación del artículo: United Kingdom
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      Gastos de envío Mundo:350 EUR

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    Artista: O Yemi Tubi
    The Glamour and the Sexual Abuse in Hollywood
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    Precio: 3.500 EUR

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    The Glamour and the Sexual Abuse in Hollywood
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    Precio Original: 3.500€ o Mejor Oferta


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    Gastos de envío Mundo: 350 EUR

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