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The Time
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Pasquale Pacelli
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"The Time"

Obra original, Acrílico sobre Lienzo, Pieza única

Precio: 9.900 €

Resumen de la obra original

Acrílico sobre Lienzo
Medidas: 149 ancho x 109 alto cm.
Año: 2018
Listo para colgar
It has just started snowing again, the coldest season marks the time, that in the mind of Maiko is the her present day, the moment when she ends her apprenticeship to finally become one Geisha.Reports the various steps of her life, from the first Minari (learn by observing) to the Zashiki (the art of conversation) and Misedashi (the debut as Maiko). The only thing left now is the Erikae the change of collar that from red becomes white sign of adulthood. The okobos sink into the snow which in the meantime covers everything. Only the gold foil of the Kinkakuji remains clear to purify every negative thought.

Obra Original

Pieza Única

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Envío y políticas

  • Ubicación del artículo: Italy
  • Envía a Todo el mundo
  • Normalmente se enviará en un plazo de 5-10 días laborables desde que se haga efectivo el pago.

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    Publicado en ARTEnet desde: 29 Enero , 2020
    Última actualización: 06 Mayo , 2020

    • Detalles de la obra original

      Pintura  Acrílico sobre Lienzo
      Medidas: 149 x 109 cm.
      Año de creación : 2018
      Listo para colgar

      Estilo / Tema

      Estilo: Expresionismo
      Temática: Paisajes


      It has just started snowing again, the coldest season marks the time, that in the mind of Maiko is the her present day, the moment when she ends her apprenticeship to finally become one Geisha.Reports the various steps of her life, from the first Minari (learn by observing) to the Zashiki (the art of conversation) and Misedashi (the debut as Maiko). The only thing left now is the Erikae the change of collar that from red becomes white sign of adulthood. The okobos sink into the snow which in the meantime covers everything. Only the gold foil of the Kinkakuji remains clear to purify every negative thought.


      It has just started snowing again, the coldest season marks the time, that in the mind of Maiko is the her present day, the moment when she ends her apprenticeship to finally become one Geisha.Reports the various steps of her life, from the first Minari (learn by observing) to the Zashiki (the art of conversation) and Misedashi (the debut as Maiko). The only thing left now is the Erikae the change of collar that from red becomes white sign of adulthood. The okobos sink into the snow which in the meantime covers everything. Only the gold foil of the Kinkakuji remains clear to purify every negative thought.
    • Envío:

      Ubicación del artículo: Italy
      Envía a Todo el mundo
      Gastos de envío Mundo:500 EUR

      Tiempo de manipulación para envíos:

      Normalmente se enviará en un plazo de 5-10 días laborables desde que se haga efectivo el pago.
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    Artista: Pasquale Pacelli
    The Time
     Comprar "The Time"
    Precio: 9.900 EUR

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    The Time
    Haz una oferta a Pasquale Pacelli por The Time
    Precio Original: 9.900€ o Mejor Oferta


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    Detalles de envío

    Ubicación del artículo: Italy
    Envía a Todo el mundo
    Gastos de envío Mundo: 500 EUR

    Tiempo de manipulación para envíos:

    Normalmente se enviará en un plazo de 5-10 días laborables desde que se haga efectivo el pago.

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