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Obras del artista
Magnolia #3
Categoría: Cuadros
Estado: En venta
Categoría: Cuadros
Estado: En venta
Categoría: Cuadros
Estado: En venta
Flor de peonía
Categoría: Cuadros
Estado: En venta
peonías 2
Categoría: Cuadros
Estado: En venta
Peonías 1
Categoría: Cuadros
Estado: En venta
Magnolia #2
Categoría: Cuadros
Estado: En venta
Magnolia #1
Categoría: Cuadros
Estado: En venta
Biografía: My name is Elena Kazachkina, and I am a contemporary artist from Spain with a passion for botanical painting. In 2017, I discovered the amazing world of watercolor painting. I had experimented with various genres, but it was botanical painting that captured my heart and soul. Flowers have always been my primary source of inspiration. Now, having learned to depict flowers on paper, I can't stop marveling at their beauty.

Watercolor allows me to convey the transparency and lightness of plants. My paintings are done in a realistic style, and I strive to capture every detail of the flower with maximum precision.

Asian motifs also play a significant role in my work. Inspired by the works of Japanese and Chinese masters, I create a unique style that combines European realism and Asian refinement.

My goal is to capture the fleeting beauty of nature and convey the sense of peace and harmony that I find in botanical painting. I hope my works will inspire others to see and appreciate the natural splendor that surrounds us.

Every day, I continue to learn and grow as an artist, drawing inspiration from nature and Asian art. My dream is to create a series of works that unite my passions and become a bridge between the cultures of the East and the West.
Inglés hablante: Si
Fecha de Participación: 29 Abr 2024