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Artist Works
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Biography: Gregory roshan

He was born in Argentina on February 26, 1958. From his earliest childhood he has been in contact with brushes and colors, his father was a textile designer.

He studied Design and Visual Communication at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Studies that he continued and deepened in Cologne, Germany, where he moved in 1980.

Since 1984 he has been dedicated to painting. He travels all over the world, mainly to India, where he comes to experience different techniques of meditation and self-knowledge, deep experiences that are reflected in his work.

His technique is both simple and mysterious, acrylic paint and other materials are spread on the canvas with the use of spatulas, in multiple layers, creating transparencies, lights and shadows.

His work speaks of the macro and the microcosm, of the detail in the whole and of the whole in the detail. Some of his paintings reflect interior spaces that could be called mystical, others reflect strength and an intense search through a harmony of colors and shapes that transcend the regular aesthetics of the masses.

Among his experiences, he shared his work as an artist and as a therapist with people from all over the world, in the community of Pacha Mama, Guanacaste, Costa Rica.

Contact + 54 9 11 2683 0000
English speaker: Si
Website: https://artroshan.com/
Participation Date: November 10 2021