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Artist Works
Category: Drawings
Condition: On sale
Biography: Previously I was dedicated to photography, I thought I had an artistic crisis with it, it lasted a year. In April 2020, I unassumingly acquired drawing tools to cope with a mental and environmental health crisis. When I was 11 years old, I gave up drawing altogether (my only means of expression in a hostile environment). The only thing that I believed from my father that my drawings "were shit" I could only use that means of expression, and currently in a matter of a year and months I have improved in more areas. They annihilated my only tool of expression in that toxic environment.
I left that environment 12 months ago. Publish my latest photographic works in Revirada Feminista Magazine (Online and face-to-face) The first "The sprouting of plants" and the second "Humidity" There I left photography completely.
I thought it was a crisis but it was a regression, a catharsis.
English speaker: No
Participation Date: 16 June 2021