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Artist Works
Category: Sculptures
Condition: On sale
Category: Sculptures
Condition: On sale
The feared enemy
Category: Sculptures
Condition: On sale
Biography: Visual artist and researcher, he is currently doing his PhD studies at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), in the line of research on art and ecology. Throughout his career he has developed numerous works in different formats and supports, but following the Official Master in Project and Research in Art (2014-2015) at the Miguel Hernández University in Elche (UMH) he starts a more ambitious project focused on the relationship between art and agriculture, which continues to develop today. In his artistic practice he proposes a reflection on conventional and intensive agriculture -whose sole objective is the maximum production of food- and its serious impact on the biosphere.
English speaker: Si
Website: http://www.celiapuerto.com
Participation Date: 05 June 2019