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Human shell
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2017 Johann Alcivar Zambrano, All rights reserved.

Johann Alcivar Zambrano
Speaks English

"Cáscara humana "

Human shell

Original work, Oil on Canvas, Unique piece

Artwork on display

Summary of the original work

Oil on canvas
Sizes: 30 cm wide x 75 cm high.
Year: 2017
Sold with frame
Ready to hang
however, I will tell you what I whispered and remembered each night to be able to move on.
He tells me, he teaches me and urges me to leave his world to be able to create a better one and above all that it only depends on oneself to be able to do it.
He speaks to me of society, of their hearts, souls, thoughts, manipulated, manipulators, victory, life and above all knowledge; possibly talk about different topics with you.
I could write in this description everything that we have shared together, but as it says in the summary (it's not about what you tell me).
PS: I would like to know a little about your reading towards this painting, and any criticism will be well received

Original work

One of a kind Artwork

Certificate of Authenticity

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Published in Artenet since: June 16, 2018
Last updated: June 16, 2018

  • Details of the original work

    Oil Painting on Canvas
    Sizes: 30 cm x 75 cm.
    Year Created: 2017
    Sold with frame
    Ready to hang

    Style / Topic

    Style: Surrealism
    • Culture
    • Surrealism


    however, I will tell you what I whispered and remembered each night to be able to move on.
    He tells me, he teaches me and urges me to leave his world to be able to create a better one and above all that it only depends on oneself to be able to do it.
    He speaks to me of society, of their hearts, souls, thoughts, manipulated, manipulators, victory, life and above all knowledge; possibly talk about different topics with you.
    I could write in this description everything that we have shared together, but as it says in the summary (it's not about what you tell me).
    PS: I would like to know a little about your reading towards this painting, and any criticism will be well received


    however, I will tell you what I whispered and remembered each night to be able to move on.
    He tells me, he teaches me and urges me to leave his world to be able to create a better one and above all that it only depends on oneself to be able to do it.
    He speaks to me of society, of their hearts, souls, thoughts, manipulated, manipulators, victory, life and above all knowledge; possibly talk about different topics with you.
    I could write in this description everything that we have shared together, but as it says in the summary (it's not about what you tell me).
    PS: I would like to know a little about your reading towards this painting, and any criticism will be well received
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Artist: Johann Alcivar Zambrano
Human shell
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Human shell
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