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Laurel and Hardy

Laurel and Hardy
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2022 Gustavo Adolfo Bernal Soto, All rights reserved.

Gustavo Adolfo Bernal Soto
Speaks English

"Laurel y Hardy"

Laurel and Hardy

  • Pencil
  • Mixed Media
on Cardboard, Unique piece

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Summary of the original work

  • Pencil
  • Mixed Media
on Board
Sizes: 42 cm wide x 30 cm high.
Year: 2022
Laurel y Hardy - El gordo y el flaco El Gordo y el Flaco was the name given in Spanish to the comedy duo Laurel and Hardy (in English), although occasionally in Spanish they are also called "Laurel y Hardy"—the translation literal-. It was formed by the actors Oliver Hardy (the Fat) and Stan Laurel (the Skinny), American and British, respectively.

Their career as a couple began in silent movies in the 20s and lasted until the second half of the XNUMXth century. Considered one of the best comic couples in cinema, they managed to combine their different comedic styles in almost perfect synchronicity.

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Published in Artenet since: October 18, 2022

  • Details of the original work

    • Pencil
    • Mixed Media
    on Board
    Sizes: 42 cm x 30 cm.
    Year Created: 2022

    Style / Topic

    Theme: Celebrities and Cinema


    Laurel and Hardy - The Fat and the Skinny


    El Gordo y el Flaco was the name given in Spanish to the comic duo Laurel and Hardy (in English), although occasionally in Spanish they are also called "Laurel y Hardy" —the literal translation—. It was formed by the actors Oliver Hardy (the Fat) and Stan Laurel (the Skinny), American and British, respectively.

    Their career as a couple began in silent movies in the 20s and lasted until the second half of the XNUMXth century. Considered one of the best comic couples in cinema, they managed to combine their different comedic styles in almost perfect synchronicity.
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Artist: Gustavo Adolfo Bernal Soto
Laurel and Hardy
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