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2004 César Benítez Sanmartín, All rights reserved.

César Benítez Sanmartín
Speaks English



Original work, Metal materials, Unique piece

Original sold

Summary of the original work

Metal Materials
Sizes: 100 cm wide x 100 cm high.
Year: 2004
The sculptures and installations were made in the 2004 and 2005, pieces made of iron (scrap), plastic, hoses, fabrics, bandages, wood, etc. In them the obsessive desire for gangs, sects and circles persists; the secret of vultures or piranhas to exercise life; pariahs or brotherhoods, patrols or herds, nor do I know, the mystery of their goals is not clear, only persecution, anger and fear. ? Does violence summon us all? The sculptures and installations were made in the 2004 and 2005, pieces made of iron (scrap), plastic, hoses, fabrics, bandages, wood, etc. In them the obsessive desire for gangs, sects and circles persists; the secret of vultures or piranhas to exercise life; pariahs or brotherhoods, patrols or herds, nor do I know, the mystery of their goals is not clear, only persecution, anger and fear. ? Does violence summon us all?

Original work

One of a kind Artwork

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Published in Artenet since: March 12, 2019

  • Details of the original work

    Metal Materials
    Sizes: 100 cm x 100 cm.
    Year Created: 2004

    Style / Topic

    Theme: Figures


    The sculptures and installations were made in the 2004 and 2005, pieces made of iron (scrap), plastic, hoses, fabrics, bandages, wood, etc. In them the obsessive desire for gangs, sects and circles persists; the secret of vultures or piranhas to exercise life; pariahs or brotherhoods, patrols or herds, nor do I know, the mystery of their goals is not clear, only persecution, anger and fear. ? Does violence summon us all?


    The sculptures and installations were made in the 2004 and 2005, pieces made of iron (scrap), plastic, hoses, fabrics, bandages, wood, etc. In them the obsessive desire for gangs, sects and circles persists; the secret of vultures or piranhas to exercise life; pariahs or brotherhoods, patrols or herds, nor do I know, the mystery of their goals is not clear, only persecution, anger and fear. ? Does violence summon us all?
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Artist: César Benítez Sanmartín
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