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Artist Works
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Biography: FARNYSS is an artist that invites reflection, his works are characterized because they are free and have an impact on the public, because they are charged with introspection and touch the sensibility of many people. This trilogy that he presents on Artenet tries to reach the depths of his public, touching our hearts. Imprisonment, Death and Resurrection, in these three works, FARNYSS shows how the human being can gradually degrade, to unsuspected limits, imprisoning his heart and soul, killing his illusions, hopes and desires and seeing how his entire essence fades, getting lost in the universe, to see how little by little it remains uninhabited and empty, but also the human being tends to resilience and is capable of enduring and resisting, until finally he is capable, through self-knowledge and the help of his peers , to live again.
FARNYSS, always tries to transmit with his works, a thought that leads the viewer to meditation and reasoning, he wants to pierce that thin layer of the observer, so that he stands before that work and says, what does this mean? provoke why and curiosity. That is art for FARNYSS, feelings, challenges and challenges. Throughout his long career as an artist FARNYSS, he always differs from his contemporaries, due to his weakness for divergent themes that lead him to reason about the inevitability of our existence, his works are enigmatic and highly persuasive due to their load emotional.
English speaker: No
Website: https://galeriaartevivo.es/artista/farnyss/756
Participation Date: Apr 16 2023