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Artist Works
Biography: I have been working as a professional in the visual arts for 20 years and art is in my life in a spiritual way.
I am a photographer, graphic designer, programmer, painter and sculptor with a passion for images, colors and drawing.
I work in the segment of visual and digital arts, I also like sports, the stratocaster guitar, nature (forests and fields) and I look for my inspiration precisely in the thousand beautiful faces of our beautiful blue planet.
With this inexhaustible source of inspiration I matured my worldview (existential being) beyond the obvious; and even with my limitation I go in search of horizons broader than the whole. For this, I also carry out studies dedicated to philosophy where I absorb the necessary subsidy in search of multiplying the ideas of beauty and harmony existing in creation (evolutionism).
All of this requires a lot of resilience and a search to overcome thorny challenges, but it is in art in its various 'nuances' and styles where I manage to overcome barriers from a mundane, precarious and backward point of view, in general and many times. . superficial.
It is the art that saves and heals me, it gives me health and joy to keep going.
Without art in my life I would be lost and desolate. I am in constant search of the energies of love and peace that are intrinsic to nature, which is pure art. Without art I would be a dry, embittered and inhuman being. Without her, I would have neither hope nor courage.
For all this and much more, I thank you with an open heart to life and ART! Long live the artists and other professionals in society who are just as important.

Thank you!
English speaker: Si
Website: http://portfolio/isculp-artes/esculturas/
Participation Date: Feb 25 2023