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Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
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Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
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Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
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Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
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Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
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Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Biography: Javier Valverde (Donostia 1956), has been a painter “always”. Self-taught, he grew up surrounded by an artistic environment, linked to painting, literature and music. During his childhood, his family spent long periods of time at Ayalde, the home-studio of his father, the painter Antonio Valverde, in Oiartzun. Ayalde was frequently the meeting place for numerous artist friends of his father.

In 1979 he won the Gipuzkoa New Artists Contest. By then she had already met through her sister, the painter Rosa Valverde, the group of painters that included Vicente Ameztoy, Ramón Zuriarrain, José Luis Zumeta and Juan Luis Goenaga among others.

Driven by all these encounters, events and influences, he would decide to definitively take the path of painting, never to abandon it.

It is then that he took refuge in Oiartzun, first in the Ayalde family home and later in the Maimotz farmhouse, further up the mountain.

Valverde lives immersed in nature, aware of what happens in it, if the trees have already sprouted or if the wind of the last few days will have knocked down some beech trees. This nature, filtered through his particular poetic vision, is what ultimately gives rise to paintings with surreal touches.

Currently he still has his home and his studio in Oiartzun. Now on top of one of the hills near the town, from where you can see the entire valley, in front of the Peñas de Aia, which always accompany you.

At the service of the look

English speaker: Si
Website: http://Www.javiervalverde.com
Participation Date: Apr 29 2023