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The demoiselles of Mont-Roig

The demoiselles of Mont-Roig
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2023 Enri Barceló Irastorza, All rights reserved.

Enri Barcelo Irastorza
Speaks English

"Les demoiselles de Mont-Roig"

The demoiselles of Mont-Roig

Original work, Unique piece

Price: 150 €

Summary of the original work

Year: 2023
The female figures are transformed into magical and enigmatic beings that seem to float in a dreamlike landscape. Their bodies become organic curves and whimsical lines, with vibrant and bold colors that intertwine in a game of amazing contrasts.

Miró defies reality and plunges us into a world of symbolism and fantasy. The faces of the ladies are transformed into mysterious masks, with eyes that shine with the spark of imagination. Surreal elements like stars, moons and birds dance in the background, inviting us to explore the depths of the subconscious.

In this unique version of "Las Señoritas de Avignon", Miró invites us to look beyond superficial appearances and immerse ourselves in the universe of the imagination. His reinterpretation challenges us to question our perceptions and enter a world of infinite possibilities.

This masterful work by Miró becomes a surreal symphony that fuses Picasso's vision with the audacity and ingenuity of the Catalan genius. It is a tribute to the transformative power of art and the eternal search for creative freedom.

Original work

One of a kind Artwork

Certificate of Authenticity

Shipping & policies

  • Item location: Spain
  • Ships to Spain only
  • Normally shipped 5-10 days since actual payment.

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    Published in Artenet since: May 19, 2023

    • Details of the original work

      Year Created: 2023

      Style / Topic

      Theme: Nudes


      "The demoiselles of Mont-Roig"


      The female figures are transformed into magical and enigmatic beings that seem to float in a dreamlike landscape. Their bodies become organic curves and whimsical lines, with vibrant and bold colors that intertwine in a game of amazing contrasts.

      Miró defies reality and plunges us into a world of symbolism and fantasy. The faces of the ladies are transformed into mysterious masks, with eyes that shine with the spark of imagination. Surreal elements like stars, moons and birds dance in the background, inviting us to explore the depths of the subconscious.

      In this unique version of "Las Señoritas de Avignon", Miró invites us to look beyond superficial appearances and immerse ourselves in the universe of the imagination. His reinterpretation challenges us to question our perceptions and enter a world of infinite possibilities.

      This masterful work by Miró becomes a surreal symphony that fuses Picasso's vision with the audacity and ingenuity of the Catalan genius. It is a tribute to the transformative power of art and the eternal search for creative freedom.
    • Shipping:

      Item location: Spain
      Ships to Spain only
      Shipping Spain: 0 EUR

      Dispatch time:

      Normally shipped 5-10 days since actual payment.
    Contact the artist

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    Artist: Enri Barcelo Irastorza
    The demoiselles of Mont-Roig
     Buy "Les demoiselles de Mont-Roig"
    Price: 150 EUR

    If you are interested or want more information about this work, please contact "Enri Barceló Irastorza" (Artenet will receive a copy of the message).

    The demoiselles of Mont-Roig
    Make an offer to Enri Barceló Irastorza for Les demoiselles de Mont-Roig
    Original price: € 150 or Best Offer


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    Shipment details

    Item location: Spain
    Ships to Spain only
    Shipping Spain: 0 EUR

    Dispatch time:

    Normally shipped 5-10 days since actual payment.

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