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Biografía: Gliser Fuentes Mena was born in Havana City, Cuba and currently lives in North Carolina. She is grateful for being born in an artistic family. Her father, a sculptor, and her elder brother, a painter, sculptor and ceramist, were responsible for nourishing her innate creative talent and instilling fond memories of “being surrounded by brushes, colors, clay, lathes, ebony gouges and ivory.”

She graduated from the School of Fine Arts, San Alejandro in Havana City, Cuba. Later, she received a Diploma with Highest Honors from Stratford Career Institute, in Washington DC, in Interior Decorating.

Gliser has participated in many solo and group exhibitions in the U.S., Cuba, and Europe. Several of these exhibitions focused on human rights issues, which is the primary focus of her art. A notable one-person exhibition, “One Mind, Many Dreams” took place at Unity Through Art, in North Carolina. She also exhibited in “Art Saves Humanity”, an international community and art competition for visual artists, at Virtual Gallery, in NYC, New York. This exhibition was curated by a prestigious panel that included Jerry Saltz, art critic at New York Magazine.

Additional exhibitions include those presented by Nigra Arts Center, Gloversville, NY; The Mayor's Gallery, City Hall Square, Boston, MA; and Luis Mario Guerra Veliz Art Center, in Havana, Cuba; among others.
Inglés hablante: Si
Sitio web: http://www.artcontempogliser.com
Fecha de Participación: 19 Dic 2022