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Biografía: He is a visual artist who thanks to his work has quickly become known in Costa Rica, the United States and Europe, recognized by experts for the deep and inspiring expression that he captures in his works; Through his style, color management and use of different techniques, he manages to awaken emotions and open a door to imagination.
He has participated in group and solo exhibitions in Portugal, USA, Venezuela and Costa Rica.
In 2019, the foundation of Ismael Cala in his event "Gala fifty", which was attended by several renowned artists and important businessmen from the city of Miami, auctioned the work "Hyacintho Oval" that Heriberto made in Lisbon.
Cristiano Ronaldo has one of his works in his private collection on the island of Madeira.
Inglés hablante: Si
Sitio web: http://www.hegogart.com
Fecha de Participación: 29 Abr 2021