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Biografía: Interior Design & Luxury Furniture La Mansión del Elefante IBIZA.
Visit our web: http://www.lamaisondelelephant.com/
Interior Design & Luxury Furniture in Ibiza from Bruno Raymond, Working on interior design in Villas, Apartments, Hotels, Fairs. Furniture Showroom Virtual.
La Maison de l’Elephant is a 3200 m2 interior design concept store where every single product is thoroughly chosen by Bruno Reymond. Our stock is renewed permanently with furniture coming from all over the world. Wether your interior is modern or ethnic, here you will meet what you have always been searching for. Leader in Ibiza, La Maison de l’Elephant innovates constantly on contrasts between styles to invent new harmonies.
Follow us:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lmdeibiza/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lamaisondelelephant/
Pinterest: https://es.pinterest.com/lamaisondelelep/
Inglés hablante: Si
Sitio web: http://www.lamaisondelelephant.com/
Fecha de Participación: 05 Jun 2017