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Obras del artista
Bodegón I
Categoría: Cuadros
Estado: En venta
Biografía: Young artist, of Spanish origin. He has spent most of his life in southern Spain; his paintings reflect the warmth of Andalusia, sunny landscapes, fresh paintings full of color.
From his travels around the world and with them, the discovery of new artistic expressions, cultures and materials, the most expressive and dynamic paintings were born; oneiric, surrealist, agitated ...
At the end of the career of Restoration and Conservation of Cultural Heritage in 2013, came a stage of harmony and peace, reflected in his watercolor works, silent, smooth, bright ...
In 2014 she was admitted to the School of Fine Arts in Athens, where he had already entered some of the most famous young galleries in Athens.
He currently remains at the School of Fine Arts in Athens, where he continue creating art works and evolves as an artist in the studio of the School's director.
Inglés hablante: Si
Fecha de Participación: 16 Ene 2018