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Obras del artista
Abstracción tropical
Categoría: Cuadros
Estado: Vendida
abstración en verde
Categoría: Cuadros
Estado: En venta
Biografía: I work on several different pieces at the same time, normally working on the floor. I rarely paint with any sort of system or specification, I have no more than a rough idea where I want this painting to go , because the canvas has a mind on its own and sometimes there is collision between my wish, where the painting should be going and what the painting really needs, which causes a new problem, which could also be a new way to bring this painting ahead. So I never know how long on canvas gonna ask me, I am between painting and erase the paint on the canvas, painting or just find a way to feel the space
Inglés hablante: Si
Sitio web: https://brunaribashortal.wixsite.com/misitio-1/about
Fecha de Participación: 03 Ago 2020